Internal Doors
The price stated beneath the door you require includes the door and any designer handle you choose lower down the page. Also included are good quality hinges, a latch, a keep and fitting.
Please click on doors/handles to enlarge
It’s a simple as this:
1. Choose your door
2. Select your handles / colour
Oakvale Carpentry will arrange to visit and fit them when it suits you
For any other doors or door furniture you like please get in touch for a quote
The door, handles, latch and hinges are high quality and we guarantee perfection when it comes to fitting
No hidden costs
Prices are based on doors being (hights of 1981mm & 35mm thick).
For semi-solid or solid doors, delivery may take up to 8-14 weeks.
Painting costs;
-Top Coat £45.00 (pre primmed)
- Base and top coat £60 (barewood)
- Staining doors £40 (oak/oak venner)